• Bio Actiome Sunscreen

Bio Actiome Sun Screen 50ml

Regular price
RM 165.00
Sale price
RM 165.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Secure Payments | MLW SDN BHD
Secure Payments
Premium Quality | MLW SDN BHD
Premium Quality
BioActiome Sunscreen 活性防晒 | 清爽守护
100%物理防晒型防晒霜,含有SPF50+ PA++++的UVA/UVB双重防晒功效。质地水润轻薄,不泛白、轻薄透明易推开。

Bio Actiome* | 生物活性系列
含有可帮助改善肌肤环境、形成肌肤壁垒、亮白肌肤的OGANACELL代表成分“Bio Actiome™”与维他命C微囊,视觉效果及使用感独特的敏感肌可用滋润美白系列。

Bio Actiome* Series
Featuring signature Oganacell ingredient "Bio Actiome™" and Vitamin C microcapsules, offers a unique sensory experience and visual impact. This moisturizing and whitening line is suitable for sensitive skin, improving the skin's environment and brightening the complexion.
*The core component derived from the beneficial fermentation of black tea and honey.

